Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Happy 4th Rez Day, Zaara!!

Hello Everyone!!  yes, I know its been a little while since my last post.  Chance and I have been busy planning the wedding and just last night have moved our home so are still in the process of setting up our new land YAY!.... 

However, I found out this morning that it is the official SL Birthday of an amazing  and super nice designer we have amongst us!  Zaara Kohime, owner and designer of {Zaara} fashions.  And how do I know what an amazing designer she is?....  Well Chance took me shopping of course!!  {Zaara} was having a huge 50% off sale a few weeks ago and BOY did I add to my wardrobe!!   Not only was her store beautifully appointed, but the fashions were amazing!  So, I thought for her SLBirthday, I would focus my bloggerness on her today..   Hope you are having a super happy one, Zaara!!    Now to let just a few of the amazing fashions speak for themselves  ( BTW this by no means reflects the extent of {Zaara}'s designs in my closet..  *grins*  there is MUCH more!!)

Til later times

Clothing:  {Zaara}
All hair styles:  Truth
Skin:  Curio

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