Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prom Night!! - Creative Styling Event

Ahhh Prom night..    What an array of creative beautiful people we had on stage last night!!  Want to congradulate the winners!!
 1st☆meimie shui☆
      2nd:☆Lolli Resident☆
            3rd: ☆Gabriella Allardyce☆

Everyone looked SO amazing!  and I love the turnout of people competing in these events!   So lovely!  We have got such an incredible amount of talent, beauty, and creative minds amongst us here at CWS!   Also, I would be remiss if i did not mention our one male contestant tonight, Luigi...  He had a stage full of prom dates!!     Great job EVERYONE!!!   Lopez, I dont envy you the job you had to do honey!  Thank you for the great work and Debbie, I have to say, your announcing aways gives me a grin!... See? its things like this that show we really are.. " Simply D'Best"  material *winks*

Til later times

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